

Other than the mega bummer realisation that my bike was stolen this afternoon, today’s practice was particularly fun. I’ve been trying a lot of new things musically, new instruments, new melodies, new methods. I don’t want to give away too much, but all will be revealed soon.

My new favourite instrument is my VAS Talk Book which has that gritty analogue quality I admire so much in all areas of art. I’ve been enjoying making field recordings, something I’ve wanted to get working on for a long time.

Below are some previews of what’s to come.


This morning I added another new track from ‘Within’ to my bandcamp to donwload for free. Subphylum is a song for those nights when you’re thrashing around your bed, your mind will not settle and your body feels heavy with anxiety and fear. My voice on this song is not pretty or appealing. I’m not even sure I’m singing in key. My voice is strained, tired and being pushed beyond its limit. It is not sexy or soothing, trained or finnesed. It is not radio friendly.

This is the voice of a woman who is tired, who has had a rough few years and who is finding a space to express thoughts we often bury in isoltion on those long, lonely nights. I hope you enjoy the song and I hope to see you when I will play it live, along with some other new songs on the 24th September at the Wiley Fox along with the amazing The Flowers of Hell and ¡NO!.